Started my day with 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon and 6 oz. grapefruit juice...Lunch-beef broth and cole slaw 1/2 cup tea and 6 oz grapefruit juice. I stretched today with 3 lb weights. And rolled a ball around for cardio exercise. I then got lost in my kids' room!! Literatly!! NASTY!!! I moved Alli's bed from one position to the next and then picked up millions of blocks, hotwheels, baby clothes and other toys. I then vacuumed until the vacuum quit sucking!!! Stupid vacuum. I then did some spot cleaning on the carpet. YEAH RIGHT!!! Mashed in fruit snacks, pudding splats and yogurt splats! YUMMY!
So as you can see I have been extremely busy cleaning and organizing. I still have a long way to go...but not enough time today to do it all!
Burp--yuck grapefruit flavord slaw!!
Gotta go--- change out the laundry and start one more out of the 10 loads I have to do!
I love cleaning up after 6 people and one cat all by myself!! Afterall you know that I AM THE ONLY ONE MAKING MESSES HERE!!!!!! Whatever! Cant get no help! Dont want any help!
so sorry
16 years ago
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